Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Day in Zion........

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.  Psalm 19:1-3

This came to mind today as we spent pretty much all day on our way to, in, and coming from Zion National Park in Utah!!

Pioneers gave the canyon the name "Zion", a Hewbrew word meaning safety, or a place of refuge.

What an amazing place, and to think that these have been here since the beginning of time.  They might not have looked exactly like this, but the entire place is absolutely breathtaking!!

Since this was the major portion of our day, I have only added pictures that were made today.  It is just impossible to capture what our eyes have seen here!!  But, this is our weak attempt to share the beauty with you and bring you along with us!

The mountains were way above the open window in the top of our shuttle bus car!  I just had to get a pic from this vantage point.

The 5 went to the Grand Canyon today and will leave in the morning for the Mesa Verde area.  They are all doing well as we talked with them a couple times today.

We are heading to the Grand Canyon tomorrow and are hoping that we can meet them in Mesa Verde.  If not, it will be the next stop.  Then, the 5 and 2 will become 7 Heading West again!!!   

Bear with us as we attempt to 'catch up', then the news on this blog will be about all of us and not just the 2!!

Much love and good night!

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