Monday, September 17, 2012

On the road to 'catch up'....

Well, today was another day for us on the road.  After a full 2 days in Salt Lake City, and enjoying our quiet time together, we left this morning heading to an area close to Cedar City Utah, where the other 5 had been staying.

We had another beautiful day to travel.  It was cool this morning in Salt Lake City when we left, but quickly warmed up.  By the time we stopped for the night in a little city called Kanarraville (sounds like Canary-ville) Utah it was much cooler here than when we had left this morning.,  The lady that owns the Red Ledge RV Park, where we stopped for the night, says that their weather has been highs in the 70's and lows in the 50' almost picture perfect!!!

We talked to Wallace this afternoon after we got here and checked up on the other 5 of our group.  We called since Judy had left us 2 voice mails, and they came through almost at the same time!!  From where they had been today, their cell service had been sketchy, so I guess the system just held the voice mails, and sent everything together.  They have already crossed over the state line into Arizona and will be in Tuba City for 2 nights.  They have already been to Zion National Park, here in Utah, where we plan on going tomorrow.  We picked up some pointers from their visit, and since we will be here 2 nights, we think we might can catch up with them around the Mesa Verde!  We may still be only 1 day behind, but we will be closer.  That is our goal to be the 7 Heading West again!

I, actually, didn't even take any pictures today on the way here.  I just sat back, took care of me and my driver by getting us cokes & water to drink, snacks, and we had lots of good conversation.  We love our 'alone' time together in the vehicles as we drive along admiring the countryside.  It's always a special time for us.

I think I will just try to find some more pictures that I haven't posted yet, to share with you.  This has, truly, been such a wonderful experience.   I will just put a hodgepodge of photos in tonight to share with you, and hope you enjoy.  Hopefully we'll be a group again real soon!

I will share one comical thing that we saw while driving the streets of Salt Lake City, that I didn't have time to snap a picture of before the traffic light changed.  At a corner was a homeless man, with his grocery cart. He was sitting there, more or less, begging for money.  He had a sign attached to his cart that said --  "Please help --  I won't lie, I need a beer"   As sad as it was to see someone homeless, it made us giggle a bit to find someone who was, at least, honest about why he wanted money!!

Photos below but without captions.  Just hope you enjoy!

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Wow...a record for me tonight, guess it was because I didn't have a lot of pictures to download from my camera, title, and move to a folder to use, and get them from my phone, so, we'll get to go to bed earlier tonight, hopefully get some rest, and be ready to hit the highway to see Zion tomorrow!!

So, before I sign off for the's a few stats for us, since it's been a few days since we've been '7'..but there are a few stats about the '5' as well.

The 7 of us have been on the road now for 20 days.

We've stayed in a total of 12 different campgrounds. The 5 have stayed a few nights in Wal-Mart parking lots, but I'm not sure exactly how many.  We spent 3 nights on the garage parking lot in Yellowstone, it's not included in the 12.

We have traveled a total of 2,270.4 miles in this beautiful and wondrous country of ours!  The 5 have traveled a few more miles since they are about 1.5 day ahead of us.

Goodnight all..  Much love!

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