Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday in Utah....

Since Salt Lake is the capital of Utah, we drove up the hill from Temple Square and checked out their capital building.  Again, it was such an awesomely beautiful day!!!

I parked the car and took this one

Butch took this one with the camera held out the window!  Thought this was unique since the reflection is in the roof of the car!!  He's such a smart boy!!

* * * * *
Since we were up so late last night, Butch and I got the opportunity to sleep a little bit later than usual.  We had a nice breakfast, good hot shower and after we were all nice and squeaky clean, and dressed, we were ready to 'hit the trail', so to speak to see what all we could find in the Salt Lake City area!

We drove toward downtown and went to Temple Square.  Beautiful place, and was busy too.  I think it pretty much is most of the time, not just because today was Sunday.  We looked around, took pictures, and went into one of the visitor centers.  I knew not to cross the street and go into the Genealogy Library, or I would still be in there tomorrow!!  Seems as if I could prowl around all day!!!  

We went into the Tabernacle, mainly to look around and take some pictures.  The campground where we stayed told us about a free shuttle to hear the choir sing, but it was early this morning, and since we decided to sleep in, we just knew we had missed it!  Well, the choir loft had several people milling around and the huge pipe organ was being played, quietly by a lady!  We sat down and, wowee, as we would say back home, before you know it, they were doing their warm up exercises and as the choir members drifted in, a few at a time, my excitement built.  Before long it was almost full and they sang two songs!!  How beautiful it was.  It was heavenly to hear them sing, and I'm so glad that I was able to do so.  I've heard of them all my life and I've listened to them a lot on YouTube, so it was nice, very nice!!  A dream come true for me!

Notice the line of houses right up on the side of a mountain near downtown!  

Part of The Mormon Tabernacle Choir preparing to sing

Some of the beautiful flowers in the garden of Temple Square

The Temple

An assembly chapel

More beautiful flowers in Temple Square

Later in the day, we drove out to the Great Salt Lake Marina.  It's a state owned marina and it seemed as if it was very well used by both residents and visitors alike.  It was a beautiful place, and it was almost like you could see forever.  We didn't go all the way down to the water to see how salty, but it's reportedly 10 times saltier than the ocean!!  Bet I would even float in that water!  NOT!!!  :-)

Great Salt Lake Marina
Butch & Brenda enjoying the marina and beautiful sunshine!

Beautiful day to visit the marina

There were several sailboats out, and people checking out the water!

In my haste to try to catch everybody up on everything during our 'down time', I forgot one incident!   After we left the garage area, and ready to head out toward Jackson, we drove up to Fishing Bridge campground to dump our tanks!  

This is a process where Butch will pull into the area, I'm outside directing him just how much to pull up and if he needs to get closer or further away.   He was in position, and he had gotten out of the coach to get the hoses.  About the time, I walked around toward the rear of the coach.  Butch started saying, "Look, look, look" and as I looked toward the front of the coach, here comes a huge buffalo straight toward the rig.  Of course, we were in his territory, but I slowly took off (not to startle him) and went inside the coach to get my phone.  By the time I got back to the doorway, he was already into the woods, and was at the rear of the coach, heading on his merry way!!  Quite an exciting way to begin our trip out of Yellowstone!  

Our visitor

Here is a few more photos from my phone of the West Thumb Basin in Yellowstone.  These acidic pools of water were hot, and some were peculating enough that we could hear it.  

These next few photos were made at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody Wyoming.  So much to see and do.  This center had everything from animals & weather of the area, Western art, Firearms of all types, sizes and age, American Indian History, and the full history of Buffalo Bill.  Sorry these are late, but for some reason I could not get all of my pictures off my I-phone so they could be posted!  I'll figure all this new technology out before too long!!  

Moose are found in this area.  

How Calamity Jane would have dressed during the Wild West Show

Brown bears & Grizzly bears are common to this area as well

Beautiful Western Art

Buffalo Bill's coat & rifles

Gorgeous American Indian blanket

The rest of the group are still in the Zion National Park area and will head out tomorrow for the South entrance to the Grand Canyon.  We're still about 2.5 days behind them. We leave Salt Lake City in the morning for the Cedar City area, and see some of the sights around there.  Then we will decide if we want to go on to Hoover Dam and see the new bridge and maybe spend a night in Las Vegas, and maybe meet up with them in Albuquerque.  We will get back to the 7 heading West soon.  I promise!  We would have all still been in one place, had we not had ignition problems!  Life goes on!  No sweat!  As James would say, "It Is What It Is".  Just don't give up on us!  Life is good!

Goodnight all and much love.

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