Friday, September 14, 2012

Big Time Catch Up ...

Glad to finally be back to blogging!

Yellowstone is beautiful in so many ways. Some of the words to describe it can only be such as beautiful, awesome, breathtaking, unbelievable, natural, and everything in-between!!

If there is anything wrong with that area at all is --  there is NO cell phone service nor anyway to get onto the Internet to do what you need to, check mail, or write blogs!!  Aghhh....very frustrating to say the least!!

We stayed 2 nights at the Fishing Bridge campground in Yellowstone, did lots of sightseeing and I have lots of pictures to share with you.  I do think that tonight's blog is going to be full of photos and a little explanation of what all has been going on with the "7 Heading West!!!

Coming down a mountain area called Big Horn all but burned up our brakes and James'.  As I said earlier, we stopped to let them cool off, and finished our trip into Yellowstone!

There is only one auto/motor home repair garage in Yellowstone, so we visited it our first morning there, and he agreed that if we would bring the rig in, he would check it.  We did just that and their solution was to bleed the brakes!  We picked it up, drove back to the campground and after re-parking in our space, it would not start again.  It was determined that our ignition had bit the dust and the part would have to be ordered and it would be at least 2 days.

When it was time for us to pull out of Yellowstone on the 11th, the group decided they would wait 1 day to see if the part came in and we could all leave together.  Well, needless to say, it didn't come in, then when it did, it was a defective part and another one had to be ordered.  Now, Yellowstone, being a Federal Park, is very picky about deliveries.  No overnight deliveries, everything is delivered to the far Western gate, then carried to where it belongs from there.  All in all, it takes a while!!!

The group left on the 12th, with hopes that we could catch up and we'd be 7 again!!   Well, 3 days later, we are on the road, they are 2.5 days ahead of us, and we will eventually catch up!!

Right now, from our conversations with them, they are in Cedar City, Utah and will be heading toward Zion National Park!  We are just outside of Jackson Hole Wyoming.  Salt Lake City is a days drive for us!  We are thinking that we will just head on into Salt Lake, visit the few things we wanted to see, and then hit the road again, working our way toward the group!  There may be stops, here and there, to see things we are interested in, or we may go non-stop, but everyday will be a new one and we will catch up soon!

In the meantime, I am going to post some of the photo's that we took while in Yellowstone!  Hope you enjoy, and, again, these photo's can NEVER do any justice to the beauty that we were blessed to see with our own eyes!

* * * *

Pictures of scenery from the trip down Big Horn Mountain ....

The 5 went to a real live Western Rodeo in Cody Wyoming  --

Trip to and arrival at Yellowstone and our campground

An evening meal together at the campground (yes, we're eating again)

Trip to the West Thumb Basin in Yellowstone

We passed the Continental Divide

Old Faithful in Yellowstone

Gibbons Falls in Yellowstone

Well, folks, I do believe that this will have to be the last photo added tonight.  My computer is telling me it's 2:50 AM and the clock on our microwave is saying 12:40 AM, so I guess that means that we really NEED to go to bed and get some rest!   The date has probably changed, but I did actually start on Sept. 15th!  

I do have more photo's from our days in Yellowstone, and I had forgotten our morning in Cody at the Buffalo Bill Historical Museum, which was awesome.  I will try to add the rest of the photo's tomorrow night after we arrive at our destination and will include the ones from Buffalo Bill's as well.

Goodnight friends, and thank you for hanging in with me while we were out of commission and couldn't get online.  Don't forget to check back....there's definitely more to come!!!


  1. Love the pictures!!! Brings back many great memories of my trip out there. Looks like all are still having a great time and hope you catch up soon. I'm sure they miss you very much!!!

  2. nice pics. thanks for sharing it with us. keep it up.
    iPhone Repair Dallas
