Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Very Worthwhile Trip

We had our plans made, tried our best, and MADE it!!  Yeahhhh!!  I mentioned in yesterday's blog that we had a goal for today!  Yes, it was met!!  I will explain our goal as you read on!

We managed to get up early this morning, and left Beaumont before sunrise.  As we were getting things put away and gathered up, there was a slight rain beginning to fall.  By the time we got on the highway and on our way, it was a good rain, not downpour but from the looks of things in the West, a much needed rain!!

We drove, and please notice that I said 'we drove' to Tylertown Mississippi!   I drove through some very hard rain, and through quite a bit of heavy traffic, but I drove!!  That's a plus!!!  It managed to rain on us the entire way, with the exception of a few areas that it had just stopped, but all in all a good drive!!!

Tylertown Mississippi is the sight of the 2012 Fall Mississippi Samboree.   A gathering of Good Sammers from all over, and a great bunch of folks.  Our main goal was to surprise our sweet friends, that we met back in the Spring in Tupelo at the Spring Samboree.  Such a sweet couple, and they had no idea that we were even close.  She had let me know that she reads my blog everyday, and is traveling with us, wishing & hoping that her and John can do the same thing one day!

We found the Event Center where the Samboree is being held, was greeted and taken to our site, then we set about finding Theresa & John in the crowd.  Lucky for us, they were busy and didn't look up when we walked into the room.  I got really close to her and when she looked up, she said she had to take a double take, cause she thought she was dreaming!!  We giggled and teared up a bit, she was afraid she was going to start crying for sure, but we all were so happy to see each other.  Now, we are waiting on the evening meal, which is to be a fish-fry, and boy, are we ever ready!!!  Just glad we got to get here for at least some of the Samboree, to see A.B. & Jean Brantley, as it's his last term as State Director of Mississippi!

Our friends that we surprised, John & Theresa!

The Camellia Good Sam Chapter!!  Our adopted chapter!

Sweet Theresa!

Our ticket for everything!  We even won a door prize!  A folding side table!

Butch was tickled we made it to the Samboree too!

Our wonderful catered meal.  Fresh fried fish, chicken, hush puppies, cole slaw, french fries!!  Catered and cooked on site by a restaurant from Hattiesburg!!  Yummy!

The 4 of us has just about caught up on everything that has happened to each other since the Spring, and we'll finish up in the morning!  Theresa took the time to look through all my pictures, that I still have left on my phone, from the out West trip. Tomorrow will be the Sunday morning church service, the MS Memorial Service to honor those Good Sam members who have died in the last year.  Shortly after all of this happens, A.B. will close the Samboree and everyone will begin to pack up and head for parts unknown!!  

We are thinking we 'll head toward Jackson tomorrow, rest for the night, then move on elsewhere!!

Thank you for traveling with us, rain or shine!

Just wanted to add a few stats about our trip, so far:   We have been 'on the road' for 32 days and have traveled a total of 4811.9 miles.  We have stayed in 19 different campgrounds - plus 3 nights on the garage parking lot in Yellowstone!  Whew!!!   Proud of our accomplishments as we are living out a dream!!

Goodnight and much love

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