Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Catching up...little by little......

We left our campground in Kanarraville Utah this morning and headed to Tuba City Arizona.  We arrived late this afternoon, got set up in the campground, did our laundry, and went out to eat.  Now, we both are 'tuckered out' as the old folks used to say, and now we catch ourselves saying...but I have downloaded some of the pictures we took today, while traveling from Utah to Arizona!  With the internet connection I have tonight, it seems as though I can only use the pictures from my phone, so here goes!!  

Again, more awesome scenes of wonder!!  All we do as we drive down the highway and say, "Oh my, look at that"!!  

Yes, we have beautiful scenery in the Tennessee Valley, but none quite like this!!  The colors go from brown, to tan, to green, back to brown!  The rock formations have all sorts of colors of rings on them.  Just breathtaking scenery every which way you look!! 

Hope you enjoy the view as we bring you along with us on our trek!

F for Fredonia Arizona

The 5 are in Mesa Verde and are planning on staying there for 3 days!  We want to see the Grand Canyon, so hopefully, we can head that way and meet up with them on Saturday.  At least, that is our plan!  We are going to stay here 2 days, see the Grand Canyon tomorrow, and probably spend the next day traveling toward where they are camped out.  We might not get to see as much of Mesa Verde as we'd like, but at least, we'll be the 7 again!!

Goodnight until tomorrow and much love!


  1. Still loving updates and all the pics. We are going camping this weekend at Chester Frost. Harrison is coming with us so I guess it will be focused on him. But I'm not complaining. Glad you are "living the life" and enjoying your retirement!!!

  2. Thank you, Katrina! I hope you guys have a great time! I just know Harrison will! We ARE having a blast! Hope to catch up with everybody tomorrow sometime! Take care and enjoy your weekend! Lovya
