Friday, September 7, 2012

Buffalo to Cody... up, down and all around

Yes, I'll admit it, I was tired last night when I was working on the blog for yesterday, and in my haste, I left out a few very important pictures of our entire day!!   I will, attempt, to, kinda-sorta, fill you in on a few things!

As we drove down the highway and as we got closer and closer to our intended destination for the night, over to our left, we thought at first clouds!  As we drove on and on toward Buffalo, we could see below the plume of our imaginary clouds to see that it was all coming from the side of a mountain in the distance.  Yes, it was one of the many wild fires that are so devastating to this and other areas of the West.  I snapped several pictures, although, as with the others, they just don't do justice to what our eyes were seeing.

Our view from the highway
How sad and dangerous these fires are!

When we got to the campground, I asked the owner how far away these fires were.  His answer was 'as the crow flies' about 10 miles, but in real milage, it was a long round about way to get to the campground.  He said it was very rugged terrain and at a local military base, there are planes standing by with the slurry (or whatever he called it), but they must wait for orders first!  Unfortunately, there are much bigger fires than this one (I can't imagine), and in much more populated areas!  They have first priority!  As I watched the smoke billow from the hillside, I thought of the brave firefighters doing what they can to try to stop a wildfire like this one!  I think about them and hope that they can soon return to their families safe and sound. 

I also forgot to mention about the campground and the wonderful laundry room that they offered for their guests to use!  Now, it takes an RVer to really appreciate a great laundry room, and this one was exceptional.  There were places to sit, 6 washers, 6 dryers, books to read, cd's to listen to, a couple big folding tables to fold clothes on and places to hang dry clothes!!   Needless to say, we were tickled!!  One of the pictures below shows a clock that is in their laundry room!  It fits us perfectly!!  Another picture happens to be one of Wallace & James sitting on the bench talking!  Try if you will, to see what is written right behind them!  As James would say "It Is What It Is"!!!

Yep, it says Liar's Bench!!   And it looks like James is believing every word that Wallace says!!  Linda all but forced them to sit on the bench so I could snap the picture!!    hahaha

Now it seems as if my laptop has caught whatever had possessed the GPS's the other day! I've been fighting with it for the last hour and this will be the 3rd time I've tried to post today's adventures!! Guess I'll have to do part on laptop and part on my phone and see if they can be combined into 1 giant blog for today!!!!!!

Yes, computer problems    lost a lot of what I did last night...  We are in Yellowstone now and NO service at all...  All 7 are ell and enjoying.   Expect a big big blog in about 3 days when we leave Yellowstone...   Love to all.  


  1. Went on a great trip in 1995 with family to Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. Wonderful trip! Saw countryside so unlike what we have here. There were also wildfires going on while we were there. A bit unsettling for us but the locals seemed like it was no big deal and life as usual. But we still couldn't stop watching the smoke and fire. The different types of scenery and animal life in different parts of this amazing country never cease to amaze me!!!!
