Sunday, September 30, 2012

Moving on for a rest..

Butch and I really had a fun-filled, full day today!  

We got up early and attended the morning church services at the Mississippi Samboree, the Memorial service for all the Mississippi Good Sam members that have passed on during 2012, and for final words from A. B. & Jean Brantley, as this was their final Samboree before they head into State Director retirement.  The Brantley's will certainly be missed, but now that they won't be the State Directors any more, it might free up some time so they can travel around more to the other states and enjoy them instead of working!  

We had saved seats for Theresa & John and after everything was over, and the closing ceremony held, then several decided they would go out to lunch together after everybody was hooked up and ready to go.  We were invited, so that meant 8 of us headed out to the Golden Corral and invaded their food line, before the after church crowd started showing up!!  Good food, good friends, good times!!  

Theresa tried her best to talk us into going with them to camp for a few days at Percy Priest State Park, but we opted to move on down the highway a bit and, therefore, closer to home! They are really special people and we are so glad that we met them at the Spring Samboree earlier in the year.  Hopefully they can come to our Tennessee Samboree in the Spring of 2013!  

I just heard on the TV local weather that Texas, Louisiana & Mississippi has had more rain in the last 2 days than they had all last year!!  I believe that!!!  :-) 

It's been raining on and off all day, and we were hoping to be driving out of it, but unfortunately, it started before we got out of McComb and on the highway out of town!!  Of course, the crops need it so badly.  We've seen so many fields of corn and other crops so dried up, so even though it might be a bit inconvenient for us, it's much needed in this part of the country, so we just pressed forward!!  

We ended up on the outskirts of Jackson Mississippi at Le Fleur's Bluff State Park.  We called while we were riding down the highway to make sure they had room.  The ranger took my credit card information, gave me directions to the campground, and gave us our site number.  Now, how easy is that!!    It ended up being a double site, and we're backed toward the big lake.  And of course, if you know me, you know that I think lakes, oceans & any body of water is just for lookin' at!  Not interested, at all, in getting into it or on it with any kind of vessel at all!!  But, it was pretty to look at as the sun went down, while I was cooking us dinner!

It has just started raining again, but that's OK.  Our plans were to rest this afternoon, and since the check-out time here is 2 pm, we're going to just be moving slow and hopefully, can sleep good tonight, sleep in a little bit later than normal, and tomorrow will be all refreshed and ready to 'hit the trail' once again!!

I posted pretty much all of the pictures I took at the Samboree on last nights blog, so I think I will just thumb through my photo's again, and hopefully find some new ones (sorry is they're duplicates) and post.

Tomorrow is a new day, and we're just going to be heading on up I-55 and see where we decide to stop.
* * * * * *

The Red Barn - San Antonio TX --  quite an experience

The menu from The Red Barn..   it's brought to your table on the board!

The Koi pond @ the Tea Gardens in San Antonio

colorful flowers @ the Tea Garden

Butch @ the pavilion - Tea Garden, San Antonio

entrance way to the Tea Garden, San Antonio

River Walk - San Antonio

A view from the River Walk - San Antonio

The River Walk - San Antonio

view from the River Walk - San Antonio

high rise - from the River Walk - San Antonio

scenery from the River Walk - San Antonio

The River Walk - San Antonio

The River Walk - San Antonio

Our 'all you can eat' breakfast served at our campground, The San Antonio KOA.  And by the way, this WAS all we could eat.  But it sure was yummy!

Tomorrow is another day in our adventure, we'll see where we end up!!   Thank you for traveling with us!!

Goodnight and much love.

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