Monday, September 24, 2012

Alone in New Mexico

Well, folks, I promised you last night a special announcement and here it is.

As of this morning, the 7 is now back to 2!  The 5 (Tom, James & Linda, Wallace & Judy) all started heading for home from Santa Fe NM.  We all sat and talked last night in Wallace & Judy's rig after the birthday cake for Butch.  They all 5 are just tired and homesick.  Of course, it will take them about 4 days to get back home, but they are on their way.

We (Butch & Brenda) decided to chart our own course, and see things we wanted to, at the pace we wanted to see them, and continue the trip.

As far as I know, we all parted ways still the best of friends, they kept saying they just wanted to go home!  At the end of today, we all have been on the road 27 days.  Linda was trying to keep up using Chattanooga time, and with 2 hours time difference, it was just taking it's toll on her.  She just wanted to sleep in her own bed, possibly for days!!!   Judy was probably missing her buddy, Spud.

I don't really think it was anything that the 2 of us did.  We took showers every day, we didn't cuss or spit, it was just time for them to head back home.

The name of the blog will remain 7 Heading West, only because if I change it, you'd never find it!  It might become boring with just the travels of the 2 of us, but I will try, as best I can, to continue to post our pictures and activities of the day, until we get back to our home in Chattanooga.

During the time that I have kept this blog going, we have had almost 1500 reads on it, with many comments, and all positive comments, I must say.  I'm very much appreciative of you taking the time to read our travels, but by the same token, I will totally understand if you chose not to read it anymore, since your family and friends are no longer traveling with us.  I, mainly, just wanted you to know that I will be keeping it going!

* * * * *

Today, we traveled from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Las Cruces, New Mexico.  We made very good time, and was surprised for a Monday morning, the traffic wasn't bad at all, especially in Albuquerque!  I suppose it's due to the fact that they now have a new mass transit system called New Mexico Rail Runner, which is a high speed train that goes from one end of the city all the way to Santa Fe for commuters and visitors to use. We saw some of the cars waiting at the stations on the outskirts of town, and they looked really cool, but I couldn't get my camera fast enough to snap a picture.

On our journey, we found a Wal-Mart in a little town called Socorro.  We pulled into the parking lot, was able to stretch and take a walk for a while.  We also picked up a few groceries while there, re-filled the freezer, got my much loved Diet Cokes, and some other items, and then headed on back out onto the highway!

We arrived this afternoon at Coachlight Inn & RV Park in Las Cruces.  After we got all set up, we headed to the laundry room to complete 4 days worth of laundry.  After which, we came back to the rig, and I fixed us a nice dinner, and now have just relaxed about to the point of falling asleep as we try to watch a favorite TV show of ours, Revolution!  But, we'll make it, then we'll fall out!!   :-)

We will leave here in the morning and head to Ft. Stockton, Texas.  We'll try to see some of the sights that our club members, Doug & Sandra, shared with us that was in Ft. Stockton.  We've already picked out our campground, and will stay there probably 1 night, before we head to the big city of San Antonio!

I'll share a few of the pictures I was able to take today, plus a photo of the beautiful birthday cake that our friends got for Butch last night.  When he wakes up in the morning, he will be one year closer to Medicare!!  Woo Hoo!!  I guess, just the 2 of us will celebrate his birthday tomorrow some way.  He may let me take him out to eat something that I didn't cook.  He's enjoy that, I'm sure!!

** Happy Birthday Butch **

An art gallery in Santa Fe.  This man has my maiden name, so maybe there ARE some wealthy Houser's somewhere in the world!  :-)

A portrait of Kit Carson

Tom & Butch check out some of the artifacts in the museum

This is how fireplaces were vented in the adobe dwellings

Yep, James, Wallace & Judy, eating again!

Catholic church at the end of the street on the square in Santa Fe NM

I made this photo collage of previous pictures I've made while on this trip.

I hope you've enjoyed the blog, so far, and your comments are always welcome.  Thank you for traveling along with us.

Goodnight & much love

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