Wednesday, September 26, 2012

On to San Antonio

For a Wednesday morning, it started out pretty quiet!  We woke up early, and listened as quite a few of our 'neighbors' in the campground load up and pull out, about daybreak.  We took our time, had our showers, dressed, had breakfast and then started putting things away to ready the rig for our trip to San Antonio!

Our GPS has been feeling pretty chipper lately, and has been easy to add locations, and has brought us down the highways, and into the campgrounds we have chosen, without a hitch!  So glad that she got over her uncontrollable stage!!!   Maybe it's just that we've gotten better at figuring out how to put the information in, so we get the right results out!!  Never can tell!  Guess it helps to use them and get used to how they work!!   :-)

The sky started out looking kinda gloomy, with some dark clouds hanging low, but as the day progressed, they all went away and we had nothing but bright sunshine and beautiful blue skies!!

After we had been driving for an hour or so, we noticed, within the hills to our left, were lots of windmills.  There had to be at least 100 of them!  All quietly turning as the wind blew through them, making electricity!  I remember the days back when I did that thing for 5 days a week, and got paid twice a month, (I won't use the 'w' word, but you know what I mean) that TVA had put windmills at a location called Buffalo Mountain. They are beautiful seeing this many of them.  (sorry about the glare in the windshield in the photos)

One thing about the trip today, was that there was lots, and I mean lots of crosswinds across Interstate 10.  Poor Butch, he drove the entire way, and sometimes it was all he could do to keep it in the proper lane, but he did a magnificent job, and we made it safely.  I even remarked, I'd take driving/riding in the rain over the high winds!  I guess it really tells you the winds can be rough when they post warning signs on the Interstate, and occasionally have a wind-sock by the sign!!  Don't guess it's rocket science, but it was difficult to drive in it.  I offered to help him drive several times, but he said the wind was just too rough!  We did stop a little more than normal, just to let him stretch or rest for a few minutes, because I know it was stressful.  We noticed even the 18-wheelers were having problems as well.

Anyway, we made it just fine.  We stopped on the outskirts of San Antonio at a Wal-Mart and I ran in and got a new supply of water, and picked up a few more things.  We loaded them into the freezer/refrigerator, secured everything else down, and we were off into the big city of San Antonio!!  Again, that lady in our GPS took us absolutely right through all the heavy traffic, exits, and lane changes like a champ!  And Butch maneuvered this 35 ft motor home and CRV dragging behind it like it was nothing!!  Such a good, safe driver!!  

We found our campground for the next couple of days without any problems at all.  We're staying at the San Antonio KOA.  As of right now, we are planning on being here for 2 nights, but we might change our minds if we can't see all the things we want to see, and do all we want to do!  We were led to our site and got all hooked up and rested for a while with both air conditioners going full blast!!  :-)  The lady in the office at the campground suggested a steak house called Little Red Barn for dinner.  We put the restaurant's address in our car GPS and again, it took us right to it!  Now, I didn't listen to that voice one time and did what I wanted to, but she re-calculated and got us to the restaurant pretty good!!  We had a wonderful meal and made our way back to the campground.

we did see a REAL oil rig in action 

We now are about to wind down for the night and hit the hey.  Tomorrow is going to be a big day of touring and seeing the sights of San Antonio!!  Just can't wait!!!   

As always, thank you for coming along with us on this journey.

Goodnight and much love.


  1. Over a period of 3 years I spent a total of 6 weeks in San Antonio with military classes. I was in classes all week but still managed to view the sites of the city. Really enjoyed my time there. Very beautiful River Walk area to sit and relax and enjoy people watching and the sites. Night time was the best since the lighting made such an impact on the site. Also enjoyed the Alamo. Always surprises me to learn so much about sites that I have heard about all my life but knew so little about. Hope you both are still having a great time and watch out for those plains winds!!!

  2. Thank you, Katrina! We had a full day today of sightseeing! Hopefully the winds will die down some tomorrow, as we leave here. We learned a lot about San Antonio. A truly beautiful and historical city! Thanks for your comments! We ARE having a blast!!
