Sunday, September 2, 2012

Into North Dakota

We left the Casino this morning, and looked back as we pulled away.  Maybe again, another time, we'll come and break the bank here!!  But, for now, we just have to keep rolling, rolling & rolling!!

We did manage to pass the wild art work at each end of one of the highway bridges in Council Bluffs, and I was able to get a quick shot of it.  The art work is huge, and looks like it is made of scrap iron!

Council Bluffs Iowa highway art

We had a beautiful day of sunshine all day to travel.  The winds were kind of rough, but we managed.  It probably worked on our gas mileage, but we plugged on anyway!  There's always another fuel station down the pike!!   :-)

There wasn't as much traffic as we had originally thought, even since it's a holiday weekend.  We were able to see lots of the farms from the road, and lots of very interesting things!!

I loved this barn

speaks for itself!

We crossed into South Dakota and either I blinked my eyes, or there was highway construction, because I didn't see the Welcome to South Dakota sign!  Don't know if they took it down cause we were on our way, or if they don't care if we're here, but I assume that I just missed it!  We did stop at the Welcome Center and  had lunch.  Everybody brought their food to Wallace & Judy's rig and enjoyed our meal and the time just being still for a little while!

closest thing I could find to a welcome sign

SD Welcome Center-the flags tell about the wind!

Lined up at the Welcome Center

We finished out the days trip and rolled into Mitchell South Dakota for a good nights rest at the R & R Campground!  We were earlier than usual, so we got all set up at our campsites for the night, and then headed off to the world famous Corn Palace.  This place was awesome and, oh my, did it ever smell so good in there!!!  It was built in the 1800's.  Thousands of bushels of corn, grain, and grasses are used to redecorate the Corn Palace each year!  I have included some pictures, but actually, they just don't do it justice.  It's awesome and just remember as you look at the pictures, that all the artwork inside the Corn Palace, all the outside from tip top to the sidewalk, is all some type of corn!!!

The Corn Palace

Inside the Corn Palace

Brenda is still long enough to have a picture made!

We all made a trip to the local Wal-Mart to shop for food and things we just had to have!  

We've all had dinner, and some TV time, and I'm pretty sure most have already gone to bed for a good nights sleep!  I'm not far behind, but I wanted to get you up to date on the 7 heading West!

Just like the movie "Gone With The Wind" --  tomorrow is another day!

Our next stop is scheduled to be Wall, South Dakota.

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