Sunday, September 23, 2012

Santa Fe New Mexico

We woke up to another beautiful day.  There are clouds in the sky, and according to the weather report on TV, you'd think the presence of clouds meant they were giving away money!!  All they talked about was how, when, and maybe, there might be some rain in those clouds!!  I'm sure in this part of the country, when it rains, it really rains, and they are very grateful for every drop!

We all headed to what is commonly called, around here, as 'old town'.  It's pretty much like most small town squares.  The square was filled with Native American's who had set up blankets with their crafts on display.  Some artists were nearby, painting on canvas, some of the sights of the area, the buildings, and the square.  There were street vendors selling fijitas, tamales, and several other Mexican foods.  James, Wallace & Judy ordered from one cart, and found a nearby park bench (which were plentiful) to sit and eat an early lunch.  Butch, Tom and I had wandered around in the downtown historic museum.  All this time, Linda was roaming in the shops and checking the town out real good.  By the time we all found each other, Tom ordered from the cart, and Linda, Butch and I walked down the street to a French pastry shop.  They ordered crepes, and I found a yummy looking chocolate brownie-type sweet in the case, that I thought for sure I'd like!  NOT!!  :-)  I ended up going to the cart, and talking the man into just giving me some grilled chicken on a plate, and he topped it with lettuce!  I was happy.  Naturally, the chicken was a bit spicier than I like, but I managed to finish it off and all was well.  It was just a beautiful day to be outside and checking out new things with great friends!

Actually, when we saw 'old town' we thought it would be like an old Western ghost town, but found it to be quite busy, artsy type community.  We walked across the square to the Visitor's Center to see if there might be a ghost town nearby.  Since I would be following James = with Wallace being the navigator = he asked about the ghost town, got a map with verbal instructions, and we all headed back toward where we had parked the 2 cars.

We rode around Santa Fe, attempting to find our way to a city called Madrid.  After a few turn arounds, and back tracks, it was decided that we would just return to the campground, work on our dinner, and rest!  That plan worked for everyone.  It allowed me time to go ahead and, at least, prepare the blog for today, and for the others to get some much needed afternoon naps!!  All is well !!!

Sorry there are no current pictures for today.  I cannot get them from my I-phone until I download them all.  I've made almost 900 pictures with it and I need to get them onto my laptop.  Bear with me.  For now, I may just look through the ones I have, and hopefully won't post any duplicates!!  If there are duplicates, just view them with the love they were put in the blog, and overlook me for right now!  I'm too old to be fooling around with up-to-date-electronics!!!  

Everyone disappeared for a few hours this afternoon.  We ate our chicken & dressing along with a salad.  After things were cleaned up and we were watching TV, Linda came and said we needed to come to Wallace & Judy's rig.  We reluctantly went.....I entered first, then Butch.  They had him a birthday cake and cards all ready and started singing Happy Birthday!  How sweet!!!   He was really surprised!   Of course, his actual birthday is Tuesday the 25th.   :-)

Everybody has retired for the night.  Make sure you check the blog for tomorrow's entry...

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twisted tree in the Grand Canyon

one lone tree on bluff of Grand Canyon

ceiling of The Watchtower @ Grand Canyon

gate @ The Watchtower..I just thought it was unusual!

Native American painting and symbols in The Watchtower

part of the Grand Canyon

another part of the Grand Canyon

wild flowers @ the Grand Canyon

formations are everywhere...we just drove through these!

Beautiful roadside rock formations

The most unusual tree I have ever seen.. Looks like a fuzzy pine!  :-)

Zion National Park

Zion National Park

Zion National Park

Zion National Park

scenery along highway into Tuba City AZ

Statue of pioneer family inside Temple Square in Salt Lake City

Stained glass windows in the assembly chapel

flowers inside Temple Square in Salt Lake City

Visitor's Center in Temple Square in Salt Lake City

beautiful Salt Lake City Marina

lonesome trees @ upper falls of Yellowstone National Park

formations at the falls in Yellowstone

beautiful falls in Yellowstone

another view of the falls in Yellowstone

more New Mexico clouds

beautiful New Mexico clouds

our shadows came along on this trip too!

Old Faithful in Yelllowstone National Park

beautiful scenery in Yellowstone

Native American headress

Native American headress

Native American Headress

James resting while we are at Devils Tower

Butch & Brenda at the Devils Tower

beautiful flowers at the Yellowstone Visitors Center

Mt Rushmore at night

Beautiful Mt Rushmore


James & Linda checking out the Badlands


Fun time at Wall Drug

Just one shop at Wall Drug complex

more shopping at Wall Drug


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