Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wow...the Canyon IS Grand.....

All the earth worships Thee; they sing praises to Thee, sing praises to Thy name.  Psalms 66:4

The verse above was on a plaque at the Watchtower in the Grand Canyon!  I hope it stays there until the end of time, safe from those who would gripe about it offending them!  It so eloquently tells of this beautiful place.

This area is just as breathtaking and awesome as all the rest of the National Parks we have been to on this trip!  I'm so glad we spent the day in the Canyon!  We stopped at several of the 'scenic lookouts', spent some time looking, ooohing and ahhing at what our eyes were beholding!  In fact, we pretty much burned up a tank of gasoline in our tow vehicle (Honda CRV) , and filled up outside the park, in order to get back to our campground in Tuba City AZ.  We paid the most ever for a gallon ($4.49), but it was not a problem, and I would have paid $10 a gallon just for the opportunity to see this magnificent place.  :-)

We made it back to our campground just fine, even stopping at several of the Trading Posts to look around at some of the Native American items and art.  Amazing, and in case I forgot to mention it in yesterday's blog, our campground (Trail's End) is on a Navajo Reservation!  Very helpful, hospitable, and beautiful people.

Below are just a few of the photo's that I took today, and truly hope you enjoy!

just some of the beautiful color that was around us

We should be catching up with the 5 tomorrow as we leave here and go to Mesa Verde in Colorado.  Will keep you posted on tomorrow's blog.  Maybe when we become the 7 again, things will get more interesting on here!!!

Hope you've enjoyed these pictures, even though, they do not do justice to the real thing!  

Goodnight & much love

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